Successful family businesses have made it a priority to keep their ownership team aligned. They understand they can't build a multi-generational business...
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You’ve heard this saying, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” A BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) requires just the opposite. It requires...
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As your business grows, so does your family. Now it has grown and G3 is coming – also known as the Cousin Federation – which ultimately...
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Life is just messy. Accept it. Better yet - prepare for it. Because every 1 out of 2 owners reading these words WILL NOT transition their business on their terms. That's not just messy…
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Developing successful leadership skills is a series of steps, that when done in the proper order, creates the foundation needed to build high performing teams, a thriving culture, and a strong bottomline. Explore the...
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