Leadership Workshop - Virtual | Compass Point Skip to main content

As a business owner, do you find that you struggle to reach your business goals because you are the only one truly focused and committed to working toward them? Do you wish you could have your team aligned on their focus and on their relationship with one another? Workplace conflict and drama are the number one thing that takes your employees’ eyes off the ball.

This workshop is designed to focus on your challenges with your teams. Come join a group of like-minded business leaders who are working to create more cohesive teams for the sake of their business success.


Owners of Family Businesses and Privately-Held Companies with revenue between $5M and $150M+ who want their key executives to reach their full potential to lead others and the business.


This one-hour workshop can significantly shift your level of understanding on how developing a strong leadership team can impact the business. Research shows stronger leaders…

• are more aware of how they interact with others consciously and subconsciously

• improve their ability to influence and drive outcomes

• work effectively with others

• set intentional goals and overcome the perceived barriers to make progress

• develop and maintain identity-based habits

• articulate leadership values and vision in their decision-making


RSVP to learn how to create a team of Stronger Leaders focused on your business vision.

[  Download Flyer  ]


Please complete the form below and RSVP for the virtual workshop in May 22, 2024

Any questions, reach out to the hosts listed or email [email protected] for assistance.