Where's your road map for 2023? | Compass Point Skip to main content

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Thanksgiving 2022 has been cooked and consumed.

November is nearly over and there are only a few weeks left before our hearts will be focused on family for the holidays.

Do you have your plan for first quarter 2023? 

Is it written down for the team to see, understand and act upon? Or is it still tucked away in your head, and shared as needed?

You are not alone if you answered the latter. It’s a common challenge for owners – at least until they work with us, and it becomes the PRIORITY.

 Why is business strategy so important?

Without a business strategy, a company is adrift with no true direction. With no forward movement, the company stalls and growth stops. A business strategy is your compass to sustainable growth, a greater multiple, and year-over-year success.

 A written strategy is your road map to win in the marketplace and addresses common business pitfalls, such as:

  • Unclear goals, vision or core values
  • Unpredictable growth
  • Inconsistent profitability
  • Lagging performance

The best course of action is to chart a path for profitable growth, a succession protocol, and cultural harmony. Imagine…

  • A unique and value-driven market position
  • A visible and measurable set of priorities with action plans
  • Levers to optimize profit and cash flow
  • A compelling customer promise that sets you apart
  • The right systems for sustainable success
  • And everyone knows – and owns – their role

A lot of consultants have made the process complex and ominous with strategy sessions that produce a binder full of jargon that no one will ever take the time to read, much less implement.

Our approach is ONE page. It’s clear. It’s direct. It holds people accountable. (Email me for a copy.)

If your business plan is still living in your head, your business will begin the new year playing catch up. It’s not too late to change course and set up the company and team for success, even in uncertain times.

Learn more about our Six Pillars Framework, which includes developing a business strategy that can change the trajectory of your family business.

If you are ready to create a business that can run without you, contact us.

Tom Garrity

Tom has family business in his DNA. His entire career was forged in family-owned companies. This extensive experience in business development, key leadership roles, and practical financial analysis fueled Tom’s quest to help owners build successful businesses while maintaining a strong family unit.

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