We all like to think we’re pretty great leaders, right? Until you remember an encounter from last month with one of your staff members. “I wonder if he remembers that? Nah, there’s no way he could. That was just one day out of so many. Overall, I’m generally a pretty good boss. At least, I like to think so,” you think to yourself. But do you know for sure? Does thinking it make it true?
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou
I remember some pretty tough bosses of my own. I can tell you about times they frustrated me and what that was like. And I can tell you about times they made me happy or laugh and what that was like. Overall, I have this feeling, similar to a score, of how they made me feel. And that is what matters to me.
So, how can you ensure you’re creating and leaving a positive leadership legacy for yourself and your team? Everyone has bad days, sure. But you need to have the good days outnumber the bad ones. How?
Become a Multiplier leader. Multipliers get 200% more capability from their employees than Accidental Diminishers do.
Wait, Cheyenne, you’re using words I don’t understand. Ok, let me slow down and explain.
Chances are, you are somewhere in between an Accidental Diminisher and a Multiplier. Don’t be upset about it—less than 5% of leaders can be considered true Multipliers. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t get better.
So, besides the normal self-indulgent goal of leaving behind a great legacy of your leadership, why should you want to be a Multiplier?
So are YOU ready to be a Multiplier? Here’s how you do it:
*Not only will I politely and kindly help you figure out whether you are an Accidental Diminisher, I’ll share my own diminishing bad habit, and I’ll help you dig your way out of your own!
The first step to change is always self-awareness. You have to first jump on the scale to learn how many pounds you should lose. In this case, you have to open your mind to thinking “It’s me. I’m the problem.”
I promise you…once you know, you’ll be even closer to having a Multiplier legacy.
History provides us the benefit of hindsight and powerful lessons. Take Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great, both great conquers. Yet one implemented a structured succession plan that ensured the survival and expansion of his empire, while the other's failure to do so led to the disintegration of his vast holdings shortly after his death. A strong succession planning is the ultimate competitive advantage.
Transitioning from front-line leader to mentor doesn’t mean fading into the background. It means stepping into a new, equally powerful role—one that focuses on legacy, long-term impact, and equipping the next generation to lead effectively. But let’s be honest: this shift isn’t easy.
A management team had hit “that wall”. Sales were stagnant and communication was at an all-time low. The team dreaded meetings and they weren’t sure how to move forward. Learn how the owner transformed his stagnant company with the help of a new CFO and consulting support, resulting in a significant profit increase and revitalized team dynamics.
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