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The 7 Most Devastating Words in Business

“We have always done it that way” This phrase seems harmless. Yet, these 7 words and the resistance...

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Escape Analysis Paralysis with ONE Decision

In case you haven’t heard, building and growing a business is quite complex. It requires people, all of which have different perspectives, personalities...

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Cash, it’s not just for CFOs

Here’s a concept that might seem controversial to some. Cash is not about finance.  Or accounting for that matter. Cash for a business is like oxygen to a human.  Without oxygen...

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Life mimics business. Business mimics life.

There seems to be a false notion floating around – and we all buy into – that somehow we're going to get everything in order tomorrow...

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Hiring a Milkshake – A Jobs to Be Done Business Story

According to Peter Drucker, a customer rarely buys what the company thinks it’s selling. Wait, what? That’s right – what the company had in mind when first creating the product or service is likely NOT the real reason a customer will buy it. This is where I want to introduce the concept of jobs to be done...

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Maximizing Value to Always Be For Sale

When I started Compass Point nearly 20 years ago, I heard a quote from business owner (and my now mentor) Tom Stine, “The only reason to get into business is to get out.” I remember thinking at the time, “That’s a bit cold. Sounds like consultant talk.” But 20 years later, I can honestly say that truer words have never been spoken.

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What Sandbox Are You Playing In?

While a sandbox is an unconventional image to describe a facet of your business, it is the perfect analogy. And yes, it should conjure up images of your childhood and time spent in a shallow box filled with sand and, of course, a few toys...

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Don’t Lose the House

Why did I leave a comfortable position in higher education to help family businesses grow, thrive, and create legacies? Here’s a little look behind the curtain. I grew up in family business...

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Motivational Posters Will Not Get You to Mars

Core Values are a handful of rules that remain constant, a way of being or believing, that your company has in place and lives by every day. These are not concepts that can be “trained” into an employee. They either have similar values or they don’t. It’s really that simple. Core Values are an integral part of your company’s DNA. Here are 3 questions that will test whether you have chosen the right ones...

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Business Value May Start Here, But It Can’t Stay Here

Business value is all about business transferability. That value initially started with you, your hard work, and the relationships you built. Y-O-U. But the value can't stay with you. Why? Because the more transferable your business is, the more value it has.  And that comes down to one question: “Can your business run without you?”

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Where Family Businesses Come to Grow & Learn

At Compass Point, we make it easy to get insights, training, tools, and articles straight to your inbox and help family business owners and their team continue to grow, learn, and lead.